Financing Leasehold Purchase of Retail Stores

Syria International Islamic Bank provides a scheme to finance the leasehold purchase of retail stores, according to the following:
•    The merchant (customer) applies to the Bank for financing the purchase of the store's leasehold, then SIIB purchases the leasehold of this property in accordance with its policies and procedures.
•    SIIB then sells the store's leasehold to the customer at a price - that includes a pre-agreed profit - payable by the customer as installments over a period of up to 5 years.

Terms and features

•    The maximum amount of the financing is 70% of the property's value.
•    The maximum repayment period of the financing is 5 years.
•    The monthly installments cannot exceed 40% of the client's monthly income.
•    To grant this financing, the Bank will require a real-estate collateral of a property other than the purchased leasehold.
•    Competitive rates.
•    The property must be registered in the permanent or temporary record.
•    The financing is granted according to the Bank's terms and conditions.